World Leader in Portable Skin Science & Research Instruments

Get to Know Us
Delfin USA is the leading Distributor of innovative hand-held skin science Instruments in North and Central America, specializing in many fields, such as medical, aesthetic, therapeutic or animal research applications.
Our range of patented and protected devices is the outcome of ongoing innovative research and development.
We are dedicated to developing Instruments offering unique ways of measuring and analyzing the skin parameters.
This includes advanced technology such as the Tissue Dielectric Content - TDC assessing local tissue water content, measuring skin elasticity through Indentation with light or static pressure , using a closed chamber TEWL Instrument to assess epidermal barrier, measuring with a specific sensor the colorimetric characteristics of the skin based on a Pantone skin tone guide, and In-Vitro measurements.
We revolutionize skin measurements conducted in any position, on any part of the body, with state-of-the-art lightweight wireless Instruments displaying instant results.
Moreover, the DMC Software Package enables efficient data collection via cyphered bluetooth connection.
Our Instruments are scientifically validated, tested,
& calibrated for quality and accuracy.
​​​​​They are widely used in medical research, Clinical applications, and product testing, providing very accurate assessments of the skin and its properties.
We emphasizes ergonomic designs, making our Instruments convenient for both in-lab and field use.