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 Our Calibration Service 

Beyond developing state-of-the-art instruments, our commitment is to also provide unparalleled & unique precision skills. Therefore, as a part of our charter, we offer a Calibration Service.


It is primordial to keep on maintaining the level of precision of our instruments,

as it will ensure the accuracy of the results of your research.



All our instruments come with a 2-year calibration guarantee, including 1 year by the FDA calibration and certificate.


After two years, we offer the service to recalibrate your instruments.






When your device needs to be recalibrated:


  1. Fill out our Calibration Service Form below,

  2. Ship it to our Miami location,

  3. Wait for the device to be shipped back to you*







You can still conduct your research while your instrument is being recalibrated as Delfin can provide you with a loaner device.


EASY AS 1, 2, 3 !



Calibration Service Form

Thank you for trusting
our Delfin Team!

*(The process may take up to 10 days).

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